luni, 10 noiembrie 2014

Îmi tratez sufletul ca pe o hârtie de împachetat cadouri

M-am plictisit! Mi scârbă!  Am obosit să mă risipesc, să fiu un suflet ieftin aproape în fiecare zi. 
Îmi asociez sufletul cu o hârtie de împachetat cadouri, focusându-mă  mai mult în a împacheta cutia, decât conținutul în sine. Mă ofer chiar și în a îmbraca cutiile altora, dar acest fapt nu rezultă nimic altceva decât să fiu privită în treacăt, mototolită și aruncată după un timp. 

Mi dor să mă privesc ca pe un conținut, nu ca pe o hârtie. Mi dor să mă tratez ca pe ceva valoros, care fiecare investiție contează. Să nu ma vând ieftin, chiar și atunci cand e nevoie să fiu hârtie. 

Îmi doresc să fiu tratată ca un conținut, nu ca o hârtie. 

marți, 10 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 30 - self portrait

hello guys:D.. so the final day has arrived, sadly, but happily I'm pleased I haven't missed any of them :D
Do you remember day 3-clouds ( the yellow field that stolen me away?) well I went back there and surprisingly had some red this time as well..  today's picture is : my nature is Nature:D

this Photography Challenge helped me change some bad habits I use to have.. Gosh.. such a great feeling in saying 'I had'.. I use to always start something and never finish, no matter what it was : reading a book, finishing a drawing, writing something long, keeping a challenge, achieving a goal and so on.. but not this time, not lately. I've decided to challenge myself in every chapter that I was having problems. and I see results! good ones! I challenge you to start challenging yourself in any way possible. start focus on the good things you want to do, do not focus on what you are not doing! it  doesn't work that way:D

anyways, thank you so much for whoever was with me along my beautiful journey :) I appreciate all the support I got from my close friends, it meant a lot to me. 

learn to enjoy life, make it worth living and. see you all at my next adventure.. 

love A.

luni, 9 iunie 2014

duminică, 8 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 26 - Flowers

so today I'll have an extremely busy awesome day !!! so I woke up really really early, had my usually yummi breakfast, did my reading, writing, my 'bust the mood goofy session' and finally the last thing on my ' to do list' was - my daily photography challenge. :D..I  quickly went in the garden to take a pic of the most interesting flowers I've seen (live) buuuuttt..while I was taking some...I promise you..I had to suffer a squirl attack!! :)) I've always been afraid of them after seeing 'Charley and the Chocolate Factory' but this time things got REAL.. I couldn't capture that moment..cause I was desperately looking for the way back into the house.. but i took a quick snap after...she still looks cross with me for some reason!!   ah well..I guess I'm not that lovable after all.. at least not to animals.. good to know for when I go to the zoo..:D... cheeriouuuusss.. I'm on my way to Wembley now.!  bring it on ..good muzic.

 weird squirl.. cross squirl?1 whyyy?! love me?!

sâmbătă, 7 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 26 - celebration

today we celebrate Isobel's victory  on getting into nationals ( the great and amazing thing is she is 10 and they only allow 11 years old to get in nationals, but she had an amazing timing at running so they made an exception )  and Michael.. well.. his just being Michael..:))) just kidding, he is going to a costume party dress as 'Michael'..whowhooo..

joi, 5 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 24 - Strangers

So for today's challenge I had such an 'artistic' and smart idea. I was  looking forward to go out and find the right spot and moment for it..but then, like always, a stranger can change everything in seconds. :) This little stranger made himself a less stranger to my camera by smiling and waving at it.:D we had something going on  for a second there .(*blush*)

miercuri, 4 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 24- Animal

I was thinking of taking another self portrait and use it for today's theme.. but this little black guy shows it better them I would. (I think ) 
while I was in a hurry to get to work in time, this little fella was chilling like a boss. lucky bastard. :D 

luni, 2 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 22 - inspirational

 this is one out of my 4 special places I like to 'stop and stare' where I get inspired and write things down..

and team work.. :D for me Its very inspiring.

duminică, 1 iunie 2014

Photography Challenge day 21- faceless portrait

Well. I was crazy busy supermega agglomerate today!!! So I didn't really had time
To do (anything apart form enjoying and having fun) any pics BUT this is one BIG face poitrait full of happiness and JOY .. I'll get back to this one later. I just didn't wanted to skip it fully:)

sâmbătă, 31 mai 2014

Photographychallenge day 20 - in my bag

who cares what's in my bag??? I'm in Liverpool.. but yeah..this is how my backpack looks like..most of the time.. except the spoon.

vineri, 30 mai 2014

photography Challenge day 19 - something I want

I really really really want to turn this good habit of 'eating clean' into a life style.  

But while we are at this subject of things I want..lets add some details to it shall we?..I want to start living the life I always imagined but somehow fear was keeping it out of reach, I want to allow myself to be inspired by little things and to find joy in all circumstances, I want to learn how to treat myself with respect after messing something up, to allow myself to make mistakes without being harsh, and learn to  take the good thing out of it.. I want to add a good habit every month, I want to challenge myself with every opportunity I get, I want to learn how to respect little kids :)
I want to learn  'Arial dance' ( soon baby, soon ). I want to be able to say Yes and No at the right moments.. wow..these are a lot of 'I want' s.. I reallly wish I wont waste my life for nothing and make 'something' out of  'everything'!

marți, 27 mai 2014

luni, 26 mai 2014

Photography Challenge day 15- silhouette

Today was one of those 'no real people around' day. just me myself and I.  staring and admiring :)
dont feel sorry.. they are priceless to me:D

vineri, 23 mai 2014

Photography Challenge day 12 - sunset

it feels like I just woke up and brushed my teeth..but when I've looked  outside my window, the sun was already asleep..  in other words I've kinda miss the sunset..but here is a light which is about to set.  I guess?.

joi, 22 mai 2014

miercuri, 21 mai 2014

Photography Challenge day 10 - childhood memory

For today's challenge I had something totally different in mind..but I didn't had time to go and 'hunt' for 'that moment'.
but while it was just Jake and I home alone for couple of hours, he was begging me to play 'farm' with him.. I was in no mood to pretend I am a talking horse so I was just trying to get away somehow..after a while I did accepted his invite. We were playing together and making up all kind of stories, I was actually having so much fun and laughter.. when it hit me.. I remembered when I was a little girl, probably slightly bigger then him, and I was begging my mother and father, even my sister, to come and play with me with my Barbie dolls. with no luck in making anyone play with me..I was laying everything out (for at least an hour until it was getting really boring ) by myself.. when I remembered that horrible feeling of 'no one wants to play with you' I was sooo sooo glad I did exept his invite and made him smile..and even myself.. now.. I have someone who wants to play with me..:) and I can be that person for him as well.:) 


marți, 20 mai 2014

duminică, 18 mai 2014

sâmbătă, 17 mai 2014

Photography challenge day 6 - obsession

Its not the tree itself, but the mystery within it.
 not forest, but the atmosphere it exudes
not only the view, but the smell through which you travel  to unknown worlds.
yes, I do live in my own Narnia :) and I'm one of the many Queens.

Nature will always hunt me.. and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

vineri, 16 mai 2014

Photography challenge day 5 - after dark

First time I've had a look at the title for today's challenge I knew from the way it says 'AFTER dark' that is not about doing a picture at night. I google the meaning of 'after dark and this is what I've got.. 

When I saw what it says I started laughing and said to myself there is no way I'm doing this and specially NOT public!  I've decided I'm going to go out after 9..10pm and just take a photograph of Henley at night, it is astonishing anyway!  But after that thought I started to feel like I'm cheating and  running away from this challenge.  I went into the bathroom, I toke a good look in the mirror, stared deeply into my eyes and said to myself "Watch me accept the challenge and turn it into something amazing!!!"

I scratched my brains for couple of hour, searching for ideas. And after a while something came into my mind!  My heart has this pain and grief when it come to slavery and specially about  sexual abuse and specially on young girl!!  Whenever I think about it or hear something about it my face turns red and I feel like I'm boiling with a furry I can hardly control it. 

Yes!! This is it! This is a perfect opportunity to protest again it and ask other people to join me and pray about it!! 
So I've asked my beloved Genius girl to help me with this. She was brilliant and so excited to help me out! 

This is it:

Lift up a prayer for all the girls who are being sold as a sexual slave right now,  you read this. 

joi, 15 mai 2014

Photography challenge day 4 - 'something green'

Everyday I have until noon to do my daily photograph challenge.  My morning was so busy today, I couldn't get out of the house for even 10 minutes! That was a big challenge for my 'perfectionist spirit'. I wanted to go out and find something really good!!! I'm always after the best.. And today I couldn't!  I got really cross when I saw I have 30 min to do something, knowing that 'something' will probably be crap but that was my only choice.  Then I remembered it's called challenge for a reason, so I got over it and challenge myself to put that "everything has to be perfect" attitude aside  and went to make my daily regular smoothie.  Boom, there you go! Spirulina smoothie- something green. Let's try. I took my smoothie, went in the living room, placed it on the table took a shoot, two, three.. Sat down and enjoyed my yummi drink! Ah.. I felt amazing realizing it doesn't always have to go according to your plan.

anyways, this is it:

miercuri, 14 mai 2014

Photography challenge day 3 - clouds

                 Today,, my favourite day of the week. Wednesday

Wednesdays are my 'creativity day', everything I do has to be done with a touch of creativity. I thought
"clouds" was quite a boring subject, so being on a Wednesday was just what it needed!
the weather was like a summer day on a beach, really hot and sunny, giving you that feeling of blindness. 
So I've decided..I'm going to pack my treasures, ( notebooks, book, camera ), take a blanket and go on the river side up the hill to..see what will happen. Somewhere along the way, I just got lost into this amazing yellow field which made me want to throw my shoes off and dive in!! didn't take more then 10 seconds and I was on my way.. accepting the challenge.  Ah.. nothing can recreate that feeling like a fresh 'almost summer' grass under your barefoot. I satisfied my childhood memories and I've started to take my first shoots.  something always made me stop..and just lay down. surrounded by tiny yellow flowers mixed up with green tocked me straight back when I was a kid, playing hid and go seek , trying to hide myself in the grass. I giggled a bit, because of all the funny crazy memories that moment brought back to me. Something started to tickle me on my back and it brought me back to reality..ah s.. I completely  forgot about those annoying insects.    Stand the 'Jack Sparrow' shaky dance and get back to work.

many things happened in that hour and a bit, but would be no point of telling you all..
I should just share some pictures with you would be better. 
I do have one that I have chosen for today's theme. but I'm going to share with you more as well.

Today's picture:

- This was "IT" for me.. -

I love how the cloud are bringing to life this old church, make it look like a cosy living Castle. 

a part of the yellow 'grass'

"looks like the sky is about to open"
 (taken while laying down)

 'making my own clouds'

getting closer

'run forest, run'

 'hide and seek'


I had an amazing productive and creative day! and this was just 4% of my day.

PS: I dare you to start this challenge. I do love calling it adventure in stead. you will be amazed by the things you will do different in your day,  the things you learn, the things you will discover, new things to fall in love with. and you will always have something to look forward to in the next day. knowing you will create something that will make you fall in love with it forever!