Have you ever notice how fragile an egg can be? How easily it get cracked? How gentile you have to handle it? I'm sure if you handle something with care that something must be an egg.
But have you ever tried to crack an egg by placing it between your hands and squeeze the ends of the egg real hard?
Well if you haven't tried that yet, please take a moment and go try yourself.. It will never crack.. Unless you are the Hulk, but I hope it's not your case.
Anyways let's take a moment and say it : well how amazing it thaaaattt!! How is that possible?
I don't know the answer to that question, and to be honest, I don't really care.. I'm just happy it made me realize something
And that is: how similar we are as people to the egg:)
We can get easily broken and offended by anything! Seriously now.. ANYTHING.. Even a kid or a poster that make us feel ugly or fat. We get easily hurt by words, looks, ourselves, our friends, our beloved..and so on. And that is just because we allow it to happen, to affect us ( but that is another subject I do not want to talk about now)
Where I want to get is to talk about this part of the story..
what about that unbreakable part? How are we similar to that? What is that thing that cannot break us? You can even say.. What is that thing that cannot even touch us? What is up with that??
In case we forgot, we are created by an astonishing Smart God! And I think that He created us in such a way that..no matter how much the devil will try to crack us, he will never succeed, he will never be able to!!! God made us devilproof! Ironic as it is.. If you think about how fragile we are.. He cannot do a thing to us! The only thing he can do is lie to us.. And if we believe those lies, yes.. We do get hurt and offended and discouraged and so on.. But only because WE allowed it to get through.. We have a free will you know.
It's just amazing when I think about it! Nothing in this world can touch my soul apart form God and what I allow to get through.
Guard your soul! Keep your eyes open to spot the lies. And don't be afraid of the devil. He cannot lay a finger on you. If he could do you any harm.. You would be dead by now. :)