duminică, 30 iunie 2013

Stay!! !

When you can't feel a thing after too many stings, when you forget about grace the world is a lonely place...When you can't hear a thing there are no words to sing..you keep your heart where it's safe but the world is a silent place! 

Stay with Me, you'll be surprised there's a world of color beyond black and white. Open your eyes, let in the light you'll see when you stay with Me. 

Hold on 

Be strong 
Believe in love ..

sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2013

One thing I dont get ( and another 1030)

Nu înțeleg un lucru.. Dacă suntem creați de Dumnezeu.. De ce suntem așa (vă rog scuzați-mi expresia dar asa e.. )De ce suntem așa proști? Cand zic proși ma refer strict la un anumit patern, care l-am observat  repetându-se în viața fiecare om..

Am observat întâmplandu-se în viata mea.. Repetându-se sub diferite forme în diferite contexte... Și anume.  Greșesc, realizez ce am facut greșit, știu ce trebuie să fac bine, îmi promit mie și lui Dumnezeu că nu mă voi mai băga în situații de genul vreodată..descopăr ce trebuie să fac pentru a mă ține departe de o asemenea problemă. Și totuși, după scurtă perioadă de timp ..ma gasesc poate în aceiaș situație, întrun context diferit..cateodată..

De ce?

Parca invatasem lecția.. Parca stiam ce trebuie sa fac.. Inainte sa ma implic prea mult in situație...stiam exact unde o sa ma duca..si totusi am ajuns acol.. De ce?  Recunosc! Cateodata reușesc, si ma feresc de anumite situații poate asemănătoare datorita celor intamplate înainte. Dar dese ori ma trezesc in aceleași situații, contexte diferite.. Ideea e ca problema e aceiaș. De ce?
Imi dau seama ca ori cat de mult incerc, ori cat de mult ma chinui.. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu voi ajunge acolo.. Nu stiu pentru voi, dar pentru mine e cel mai frustrant lucru! Stiu ca trebuie sa trăim calauziti de Duhul Sfânt, si asa vom traii o viata curată, cat mai aproape de adevăr si de Dumnezeu.. Dar sa fim sinceri cu noi insine.. Si la capitolul acesta se intampla la fel.. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu ne trezim ca suntem desconectati..departe de acea voce.. De ce suntem asa orbi? La lucrurile care sunt asa importante pentru noi.. Si nu in ultimul rand lucruri care ni le dorim..le căutăm.
De ce ne permitem sa ne departam de ceea ce avem nevoie cel mai mult?
One thing I do know about this is.. That God loves me even so.. But I can't.. And if I dont .. How will i be able to pass love on? Anyways asta e alta mancare de peste.. Alt subiect.
Am vrut doar sa las o umbra a gândului meu de azi. :)  revin la subiect.

marți, 25 iunie 2013

Stand Up For Love

I write from my mind, my views, my experiences and most importantly my heart. 

 I shall begin by asking a simple question.How would like to be treated in life? There is a saying known across the world, and it goes like this, "Treat others the way you wish to be treated."  Now I wonder how many of you reading this can say that you live by that quote? Such a question brings me to my following point, I'm a true believer in that you can't just kick people out of your life because they are weak, or because they need time to grow, or because you see them differently to what they see, or even if they prove to be a bad influence on others around them. Where is the good in that?  What is therefore our purpose to be on this planet? On this earth, that is blessed with diverse cultures, ethnicity and beliefs, we cannot forget that we are here for one another! As people, as humans, we are here to help and carry each other, no matter what. As people, as humans, we cannot live without one another. We are part of each other, and as you go through life you begin to realise that we are one.Beauty is more then skin deep, but even deeper then that we all possess an inner strength, that we have to discover and unleash! Don't hold it in, let it be free and expressive. People need people, commitment  and dedication. Through life experiences you learn not to turn your back on those around you, you learn that you need to stay there for them. We all live with fears, but somehow you have to find a way to show people that their biggest fears are lies! There is always a need for hope, so show them! There is aways a need for love, so show them! There is always a need for kindness, so show them! There is always a need for forgiveness, so show them! After all, when we look at ourselves we all claim to have it, right?  So why don't our actions show others that? Sometimes, letting go can be the easiest or hardest decision someone can make in life, but one thing you can never let go of is what  we have inside of us. God! Are you a believer or not? Guess what, it doesn't matter! He lives in us all.  Everything that we need to hold on to inside of us is already there because God put it there. Discovering this and utilising this is the hardest challenge of life, but thats the purpose of living and growing up. It most certainly won't come easy!
Perhaps an easier way for me to explain is as follows. Muscles.  We all have them, right? Therefore surely it should come natural to us to be sporty and powerful humans. But wait, without training or exercise we don't allow or see development! The muscles have no use, and most definitely we are not maximising the potential within them. The solution? Well its simple really.
We already have what we need, all we have to do is train to maximise  the potential and see growth and development.  Without the effort or commitment, we end up wasting ourself, never achieving or knowing what we could have become.
We need to stand out for each other.
Even if..I want to give thanks to my friend Tim Bowler, who did the editing for this one ..Thank you, you did a great job. .